Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chorus of Horns

The silence was a movement
A grand gesture of the moon
To implant the shadows’ womb
We might hide on an eternity
We drove our inspirations to the edge of the cliff
In an eclipse of spirit
And scattered to the sea
Sinking our teeth into the anchors of watery valleys
My heart was glass in her refrain
So that each beat threatened to shatter it
Threatened to cast shadows
On the colors bathed in light

Paled in her refrain

The hesitation to embrace new life
’Las I would we emerge close to resonance
I would have our eyes tied to our manes
Us unicorns
Might we never turn our heads
On that which gives us inspiration
That which gives us birth and a name

We sat quite tense
In the chorus of horns
Moaning of the exorbitance
Consequential to indulging our attentions
In the circles of thought
Which ran bereft the straight shots of reason
Formed lines to order and temper our celebration
I had let the banks of the river give us pause
In a measure of endurance
And discovered a great pit in my gut
That had grown weary of the beautiful sadness
For all its embodiment of evil
In the caws of have nots
The financial district is quiet at night
An intellectual bankruptcy
Wherein dancing had become a dream
I dreamt of rouge and shadows
I dreamt of whirlwinds in the stars stirring of dawn
Imagine if thy life was like a hurricane

And when the great machine takes a breath
The vultures come out
Subsisting of the shadows
Only distracted into the light by lust
An apocalyptic solitude festering where waves
Of the intellect are bound
The storm had demystified the straight lines
Our course however meandering was more apparent now
We learned to hug the curves
The white vultures at last showing themselves
Full frontal nudity

O but,
See they are always out
They just shine in the darkness
Holograms flickering of their resonance
To pay respect their commitment to the ceremony

Jason Greendyk,

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