Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Seven Strings of Freedom: A Poetic Treatise on Incompleteness

Seven Strings of Freedom: A Poetic Treatise on Incompleteness
Seven Strings of Freedom:
A Poetic Treatise on Incompleteness

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Please partake the light release of the Seven Strings of Freedom: A Poetic Treatise on Incompleteness.

I am pleased to announce the seventh climactic book of my dearly held and meticulously relinquished purity of thought. As the midnight river runs on and the silences of the current fashion run deep, it is imperative the intellect heeds the influence of interest and vogue. The parallel lines of black and white thought trail off to the ether of digital infinity, as the colors bleed together quite compassionately. Contained in the midnight river is the affectionate aftertaste of the byproduct selvage of emotion occasioned through the idealized streaming lines of reason. Reflected in the waters is the constellation of the child who clings to your soul absent of a mode of production and narrates your reality in the shadows of the post-contemporary copy, where the soul of the world always aspires to be more than what it is.

In spiritus mundi. As the historical moment of technological Western enlightenment isolates more and more the subjective individual in the semblance objectivity of collective opinion guided by the consensual interlineation of trends, our souls record the poetic redundancies already seen in the common mode of thought that retain our personal identities as we are always moving forward towards a united existence. And as we gently row our boat up the stream of thoughts that runs through the desert of language from our inspiration, life becomes a dream realized hidden somewhere in between the lines. An omen at sea under a carnival of sky and open before us, tabula rasa.

The Seven Strings of Freedom represent seven conceptual threads spun out from the woven fabric of a capitalist lifeworld and in my subjective deduction characterize the generalized post-contemporary laissez-faire disposition. In the book, the poet engages the concepts in a dialogue veiled in the technologized conversation of poetically aliased people (the aliases based on the poetic redundancies of my personal identity) via email, text, social media and blogging. In essence, it is an interchange between my individual personal identity and its rationally delineated components in relation to collective identity as represented by real or imagined interaction with others. A poetic, essential schizophrenia defined by the rationalizations of an infallible ego as it repeats the infinite feedback loop that formulates your perfection.

The threads are run through needles pinned to the pyramid scheme of capitalized material progress, yet fall from perfection in elegant curves of spiritual gravity. They trail off to an incomplete notion of the corporate person and beg the question of the pyramid to uproot itself and distribute the wealth from the one to the many, from the midnight river to the sea, as nature would have it be. We wait on the morning star, the second coming, the dawn of a new world order. And the unique position of today’s humanity is the ability to balance the evolutionary, hard-wired drive for perfect order with the natural tendencies of chaos to produce and maintain a peaceful homeostasis. Perfection is out of reach, while apocalypse is a real possibility. Hence we are incomplete.

The mathematical theory of incompleteness states that no consistent system of axioms that can be defined by an algorithm is self-contained. For any such system, there will be statements concerning the natural numbers considered true that cannot be proven within the system. Therefore, any formal system – mathematical, political, spiritual or otherwise – which demonstrates consistency is reliant upon contradiction and thereby inherently inconsistent. Likewise for our identity, collectively and as individuals. The mathematization of self-fulfilling prophecies demonstrates our ties to the world, the dialogical relationship wherein rationality and rationalization are spun in one thread. Déjà vu au courant.

Humanity is not self-sufficient. No individual is self-sufficient. No concept is self-sufficient. We rely on the other for the grounding of our existence. Humanity depends upon the continuity of truths outside itself for its own continuity. Circular concepts demand shared and negative space and opposing points. So come together big ideaLs, concepts and that which therein is reflected on the late passing of the midnight river. Let us find the balance.

As I write these words, I can feel the incessant semblance of positive, forward market motion pulling me from the wall of the abyss. But I stared at the wall long enough to see through (pure physics), and the gates of heaven are open, kingdom come what may.

This press release, and its subject, are the mere introduction of the poetic concept of incompleteness, broadly construed. I dearly hope to voluminously expand upon the concept in the arts, academics and business for as long as I live. If at any time you perceive any opportunity for collaborative effort or discussion toward any material or intangible end, please feel free to contact me directly.

And please do consider purchasing the book from LULU.com. This seventh piece is my first truly seminal work, and the beginning of a lifeworld’s work after seven long days of Creation. And, remember it is the quality of the imaginary numbers you count running through your head and leaping over the fence at the end of the day that will allow you to rest in peace.

All the very best,

Jason Greendyk

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