Monday, July 25, 2011

Tango de la Materia, No. 20

Yestereve I dreamt

Of surreal meanderings

Balancing atop the dangling

Daunt objective of former oppress

Peering abyss into

The caves hath led such height

That can no more retrace the steps

Just an instinctual primacy

Opening so much so brighter

The deeper we venture tact

The forest of the mind

Hath no more light than black

The irony

Things are not what they are

This instance

Midsummer twilight wiles

On the dwarf forest

Escher’s relativity

Spirals stretched in line

Endlessly rotating

Material deviation

From the oriental center

The bed of weaving

Be not afeard

If world doth teeter on its axis

Its (axiom/orientation)

’Tis merely shifting its postured weight

Imaginary as is perceptual

Residual escape

Is sheen

Our shadows fell upon the drift of time

Side by side stretching the horizon lean

We laughed

(Water-falls) beneath our kisses

Like tears we’ve chosen not to weep

And rather leaning o’er

Grip so dear abysses

Howsoever daunting to our dangling feet

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