Thursday, September 20, 2012

God's Silence

Returned to the silence
The fallow fields of ancestry
A resemblance of the tortured structures
Of manic barbarism
Carving the wood of your soul
Against the grit of concrete
Your dancing shoes
Having crucified your delicate step
And maybe you would usher me out of this life
For the age had ceased becoming
In the vessels of reflection
In the grace of sadness
Closing hands
Entangled the fingers of memories
Groping at the vines of sense
And loving the dissatisfaction
Breathing the heavy silence
Moved in metallic colours
And refracted the sounds of industry
The pits of other souls
But shadows for the tasting
For the trilling of the violin
On the tongues of madness
Licking the floor
And feeling for the semblance of a scavenge
At the close of the August sun
The cross of the Lord
Was the devil’s mousetrap
The bait by which he was caught
The Lord’s death
A time travelling
As the pigeon in the dead of summer
Huddled still against the cold
Ruffling its feathers
Witness the rape of Mother Earth by a man
And the joy of standing faster than god
The preoccupation of class
An intelligence of wealth
Clung by the voice of reason
A spear to the heart of Christ
The close of the hunt for mystery
And a single horn blew unto the wind
That those wounds would come back to the next

They would be coming
I would demand

It was blessed fast
The raising of the stormy night
To the clashing of the egos
Fraught with their hovering dissension
Grasping at their sanity
’Lest the beauty of the truest moment
Was a weight too much to bear
In the air of light unveiling
A soothing black dress
That swept the floor in its humility
Collecting the dust of devils’ footprints
Pure of its abyss
Mocking the passes to her vanity
With a smile that would kill
For exhaustion of its tension
It was forced and beautiful
And it rained bullets on all the dry language
That had parched our throats for a lifetime
Had left us speaking soft
In the shadow of our intellect
Tore holes in the veil of innocence
’Las the colours poured through
Were the light of distant suns
Some other mind’s that was a tracing to
That was spinning on the floor
A crazy wind
In embrace of its collapse
I am the air of all that is light
In the farthest reaches of the black
Stepping in the circle of disconcerted flashback
The memory was blessed fast in coming
It was the world relieved of its soul
Having blessed kissed the night
And returned to God’s womb
The Holy Mother was nude
And sipping champagne
Wasn’t it just lovely?

A calling to the sleep of the city of dreams?
She was just a shadow dancing on the walls
In the wake of a fade to nothing
The dark edge of the light air thy bête noire
And I tasted the power of a woman
That broke the water of innocence
Was a little death of the heart
And a deep stare into the abyss of spaceless thought
Timeless glare
’Las she caught up in the afterlife
And we came to new ground
Bearing the scars of our rationed tragedy
A sunken history of the dearest reason
I passed my consciousness to the still emotion
Of the world’s soul
And fast my words had wings they came alive
Such motion is the beauty of all that grants us life
And once I’d spoken fallen empty
We met an embrace that would usher thee from life
A bloodletting bite
Her fangs a brilliant evening harbour
And how much longer will they snap for you?
Unraveling that dearest reason
We had crystallized our descent
Our entanglement in the coy spider web

Follow the white rabbit all dressed in black

And it the taste of pure sadness
Is the joy of the dark life
The failure of wanting that which should not be
A kiss fell to the cheek
Of the shadows of the web
Like to wait on the dew of mourning
To exemplify the sagging of our intelligence
The hunch of our backs
’Las things carry us
And the angel Adonis passed our last dance with bliss
I ask
Was it the wood of your soul
Against the grit of concrete
Carving the momentum of your spin?
Or was it the tea that drove your intellect
To the edge of the abyss,
And the spark that frightened you dive deep in?

That is,
Was it the silence of God your calling?
No more reason to believe
But enjoy the life of night
It’s ringing
And ringing

Jason Greendyk,

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