Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lullaby No. 23 - Eclipsing the Soul of the World

Reason coerced you
Shaped your natural contours
To the perfect order of the incorporate machine
Once you were too raw for its taste
Now burnt and seasoned to its liking
And flavored with legacies of good sense, reborn
Whittling away your thoughts
In hollow caves of efficiency
For the benefit of your good company
Islands of communist utopia
Where the drab gray walls
You built around yourself for security
Defined your profession
And the fear of being free
Became greater than your own
What event in the spheres
Would shake your structure
And let your thoughts
Run the field of dreams by night
Climbing up ivy stains on white brick
And reaching for the slivers of a bloody moon
And a prophecy
It was a gradual undertaking
As you wrote your body into the night
In pure youth
And flittering trivials of nonsense,
The dialectic with your old soul
Made strokes of sense into your movements
An effort of a wanton passion
To adhere to a strict pattern
And in good step it incorporated your freedom
Exploiting the collective desires of the times
To harness your will
Into the capitalist soul of the world
An eclipse of humanity’s late decision
To embrace technology
And the perpetual new experience
Always moving forward
And now
It offered to relieve you
Of your compromised freedom
With an historical choice
And your dear Reason was obliged
La petite mort
The séance of your errant path
And the au courant

Jason Greendyk