Filled the wind blown afternoon
In the light passes of pastels
To disassociated memories
Linked in the superstitious synergy
Of small world occurrences
An externalized repression
Of a reflection on sociopathic dissension
Thy positivity a manipulative romance
Coupled with thy external victimization
Casting the negative energies
That compressed thy psyche
Into concrete spaces
Defined by the straight lines of reason
Off to the voluptuous wind blown sea
Mother Nature's evening disguise
Con Lady Luck
Enveloping the other shore
The afterlife post traumatic experience
A rebirth where kind appearances
Replicated the authenticity
Of thy silences
Of thy silences
Like a poetry in motion
Dancing close to thee
A deep blue wild flower of the ocean
The substance of myths
What prophecies have imagined
In the shallow reflections of Narcissus
What truth bespoke
From the imagined meniscus
Of flat surfaces
Contained in the deep sleep
Contained in the deep sleep
Of reconstructive depression
To slow the wind blown numbers
Scattering thy mind
And find their order
In some astronomical alignment
Resounding through the billowing clouds
Of your deep felt dreams
Roaming pastel colored walls
To the last bellow of the organs
Thy self directed analyses
Left thy soul imperfectly becoming
Through self referential first impressions
Come close to swoon
In the wind strewn delusions
Of intersubjective atmospheres
Staring back at you vie dreamy eyes