The black angel had vouched our silence
Amidst the scrolling tales of Reason
Held the trust in confidence
Lest the old world haunts mingled with the vested new life
Lest the abandon intruded the current fashion
A ghost in the machine
And stole it away
Like thieves in the night
Shifted the vagrant motions
To the other side of things
As the unicorn stepped into the abyss
Pointed first
The all seeing eye fades to black
A darkened heart chained to the hope less belief
There was no choice in the matter
The shadows forsook when hath turned to the light
No longer writhed their pressed firmaments
Like fake smiles to ploy the intellect
Brush the ephemeral disgust from thy lips
In gallant strokes of humility
An ailing preparedness for death
And the embrace of this new life perennial
Once such abandon smoked the mirror
Broad divestitures of the real
It mattered no more
All thy chagrin and grit a farce
All the hard skin a wish away
The abandon of the moment
Yes despite the wisdom of the sages
I clung to that which tore a hole in my shadow
My beautiful soul was a black denim
That was tearing at the seam
As the snake which cannot shed its skin
And I have seen one of the lights of the universe
It is that we must continually renew our pores
The holes in our spirits
In order that beauty might forbear
And if now I wax ephemeral
It is because I stand on the shoulders
Of the unsung basquiats
’Las it was ours
Fell to the hands of a Rusnak thief
Exploited as the child of the midnight river
The underground current
Moved under the dark side of the moon
And we are chasing the tail
That scrolls through the fog of Reason
The black star that keeps shining on
An angel wooing us to heaven
The black kingdom in the night clouds
Muchas gracias por la inspiración, Intervenue ( and Dreemz & Co. (, notably Basquiat's Black Kingdom.
Jason Greendyk,
The black kingdom in the night clouds
Muchas gracias por la inspiración, Intervenue ( and Dreemz & Co. (, notably Basquiat's Black Kingdom.
Jason Greendyk,