Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Silent Night

Gather the old Austrian kings for the feast of shadows
Flickering cast daylight in the black run Viennese mirrors
Reflecting the fires of old worlds
And the arbitrary strokes of a modern fame
Some superficial imposition of meaning
Refracted in the sheer glass panes
Holding delicate the city of dreams
In careful placement of the genuine sense
The truest sadness in slipping youthful grace
In the chase for freedom quite material
The fluency of objects
An irrelevancy of walls
No more the towering billows of oppression
Rather as the wisdom
Surrender the things of youth with grace
And the delicacy of all you’ve become
Will settle in the meniscus of thy balloon glass
A myriad of colors mentioned in the chameleons of sky
And running down the curved white walls
Like a water branded in feminine poise
Thy sobriety an ontological intoxication
An elegance of malaise and lethargy
In the boredom of the pieces
Stroked by the passion of an ambitious man
Giving gesture and a rose to the unicorn
As a metaphor of ego
Enclosing the mystery of jewels
That adorned and garnered His retention
Thank God for all you’ve found
Out from a wild Arabian night
Dancing with the gypsies who’d wandered the deserts
No more my lovely
The aged oil which fueled our manic drives
Sat outside our romance and sparse stomachs
For the visage of a storm would enclose us in our artistry
The poesy of a vegetarian dish
Held with care like a violin against the clavicle
And the hand which fed thy soul
A bow like the archer’s mane
Empty of the hunt
And out of reach of the regal dogs
Blessed with God in their souls
And trolling their white tablecloths
As they leave their feast for the light
Trill the strings of their appearances
Leave Grace to the silent night

Prick of the Spindle featuring Stutter the Violins

Prick of the Spindle: An online journal of the literary arts: Volume 6.1, featuring Stutter the Violins (, a short film on the struggle of structure and chaos.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

To Die at a Lover's Blade

 An uncut reading of 'To Die at a Lover's Blade,' from The Apple Juice (, the epic poem of rollerblading.

Jason Greendyk,

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Well Dressed

We had erased our memories
And the sheen of the black marble clouded our reflections
On stones hung from our necks
The shapes of billows what fabulous illusion
Was dark magic gone up in smoke
Receding through the streaming silences
Technicolor imagination
And best indulge thy superstition
For to reason without cause
Is a lost in the hollow
A reason left behind
On the front lines of the inner war
The struggle for the blaze of quiet
Reiterated throughout the shifts of self perception
Thy reflection in the other eyes
Staring into thy shallow beauty
An immeasurable depth of soul
For it was no more

And despite the opacity of the reflective shades
Thy true colors were translucent
A Technicolor chameleon in the theater of shadows
Always moving forward
Drafting the light of the coming
In the present movement
The enclosure of the dancing spirits
Granted a beauty the most mundane
And it was an absence of the causes gave it life
It was a drafting pure perpetual

Nevertheless there were stones like gods
That made their ways felt
In the shadows they cast on freedom
The aura of some rigid spiritual tyranny
That salvaged you from an empty despair
For why was the silence of the muse thy calling?
For what dark angel did thy lips soften
And thy spine tingle with revelation?
Déjà vu au courant, and on and on again
We are but the faintest repetitions
Of our everlasting spirits
In the calls of a new age
Wherein the machine was disarmingly gorgeous
In its pristine and rational intricacies
And its blunt egotistic lapses
To be lost in the walls the only freedom we would know
On the precipice but leap dearest
The air has learned to hold thee with the lightest touch
Feint into the arms of a silent rhapsody
And blithely withstand the gallows of their trust

For they’ll hang you from the spheres by your necks
At your summoning
’Las they could never take your echoes
Could never touch you falling
Let thyself limp in the moment of ecstasy
And breathe in the air thy calling
Sweet silence of the musing nothing

Or was it the wall gave you a kiss
And left you idle in the coming?

Would thee even care to speak
Of the immeasurable shallow of the beautiful?

God bless the chains would shackle thee
For hung and shackled would thee find salvation
A black hole to the depths
Dragging the corpse of thy beauty along
Ironically the age was quite becoming
In its allusions to the ties of cycles’ lives past
Samsara gently humming

Jason Greendyk,

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Meditation, Untrained

I let go of the moment
And my heart raced pensively
Throbbing in unison
With the uncertainty of the universe
Mastering the meditation sequence
As a metaphor of life untrained

Silence changes hues
And the colors fill thy soul
One breath at a time
Grasping at the infinitesimal point
That encloses the great all
The eastern breathing in the belly
Was the locus of western reason
The meet
A translation of commodities
Rendezvous la verdad

For the atheist raised to the infinite
In the epiphany of the mathematical trinity
A global enlightenment
Would be the result of some apocalypse
The world's soul locking in its desire for solitude
The great escape artistry
Of some deeply reasoned errancy of a sphere

For me, I remembered the banks of Italy
And the lemon trees
Their meaning escapes me in the errancy,
All things being equal,
But their yellows were mesmerizing
The preconceived resonance
Was the vibration of a former life
Reverberating in the glitches of the present
A passion masquerading the arrhythmia
The heart of the universe is silent
But we are human
Composed of irregular patterns
Approximating formulaic enclosure
But tragically escaping
God's allowance of beauty in all His perfection

For what greater good
Would we return to the great mother's womb
In a veil of light and wisdom?
What cowardice would retreat us
To the apathy of an entropic nirvana?
Letting things slip away into their emptiness
Letting all things fall apart
In the light of some deeply desired absolute
Some great yearning for eternal closure
Contrary the perpetual transience of the universe

Give me all the suffering of the world
And I will hiss like a snake cornered
Fight the overwhelming surge of retreat
To mark just one finite point on the escape from entropy
And clutch
Grasp dear for life, dear, for LIFE
For the taste of MY humanity
Ego and all
Negate the paradox of existence
Which even emptiness could not withhold from disclosure
Which even wisdom could not bear in silence
As per the direction of the wise
Failing themselves in their intellectual pretension
In their desire for the great solitude and enclosure from the all

'Las the disclosure of your soul
Will mean nothing in the posited end
All things ephemeral
Already empty in the posited will of the future
That is, the predetermined distribution
Of its posthumous possessions
As that which does not yet exist
Nevertheless has a pejorative share in the present moment
And that which comes of that which is yet to be born
Will at consummation of its conception
Already know the deed from which it was handed down
The paper taken from the tree of life
On which its existence was written
In the mathematical codes of universal governance
Despite the uncertainty of the great mother's birthing patterns
That which had FAITH in its becoming
And with a dire grip wrought its perfect order
Out from the shifting forms of world
And doubtful semblances of idea
The master of ITS perfection
Turning from the Nothing to epiphanies of Light, undisclosed
Allowing the mystery recede in its concealment
To attend to that which shows itself
Full frontal nudity

And happily,
This is merely what it is to be ordinary
A master of life untrained

Jason Greendyk,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Chorus of Horns

The silence was a movement
A grand gesture of the moon
To implant the shadows’ womb
We might hide on an eternity
We drove our inspirations to the edge of the cliff
In an eclipse of spirit
And scattered to the sea
Sinking our teeth into the anchors of watery valleys
My heart was glass in her refrain
So that each beat threatened to shatter it
Threatened to cast shadows
On the colors bathed in light

Paled in her refrain

The hesitation to embrace new life
’Las I would we emerge close to resonance
I would have our eyes tied to our manes
Us unicorns
Might we never turn our heads
On that which gives us inspiration
That which gives us birth and a name

We sat quite tense
In the chorus of horns
Moaning of the exorbitance
Consequential to indulging our attentions
In the circles of thought
Which ran bereft the straight shots of reason
Formed lines to order and temper our celebration
I had let the banks of the river give us pause
In a measure of endurance
And discovered a great pit in my gut
That had grown weary of the beautiful sadness
For all its embodiment of evil
In the caws of have nots
The financial district is quiet at night
An intellectual bankruptcy
Wherein dancing had become a dream
I dreamt of rouge and shadows
I dreamt of whirlwinds in the stars stirring of dawn
Imagine if thy life was like a hurricane

And when the great machine takes a breath
The vultures come out
Subsisting of the shadows
Only distracted into the light by lust
An apocalyptic solitude festering where waves
Of the intellect are bound
The storm had demystified the straight lines
Our course however meandering was more apparent now
We learned to hug the curves
The white vultures at last showing themselves
Full frontal nudity

O but,
See they are always out
They just shine in the darkness
Holograms flickering of their resonance
To pay respect their commitment to the ceremony

Jason Greendyk,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Concerto, A Manifesto

There is a concert in the graft
Movements of vehicular
Swerving to avoid the idiosyncrasies
Of the people give them motion
Curving to appease their master
I was a vagrant concepteur on the wayside
Reveling in the moment when thee would stare
Into the vast contingency of possibility
And impossibility
Of have and have not
Of life and death
’Las the Concerto had His own plan for me
Remember, I’ve stared into the abyss
I’m hung on the last thread of reason
A puppet of the spheres
And when the pit devours me
It will have a familiar taste on its tongue
That it can’t quite define


An ego that swelled to fill the womb of the universe
And became one
Blood and sinews sewn to the black holes of desire
Reborn to the pop culture communism of the spirit
Clutching at the stray thoughts
I work with the psychological intricacies of human experience
The dogged thoughts that roam the dark alleys of Mind
Would I take them in
Clothe them
Give them shelter and a home
Raise them to believe in the force of their spirit
Against all

And in their abstract consummation
Some great weight was lifted for no reason at all
It vanished
If it weren’t for the capitalist oppression of the spirit
I would be an artist
’Las concepts share the preference of economy
Words are cheap but hold immeasurable weight
And I am all the lighter for it

Jason Greendyk, 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Invisible Hope

Contemplating the post-contemporary political, religious, and artistic climate.

Street Art

A sticker reading 'The Invisible Hope' with an image of a faceless man, indicated by a suit and hat with empty space in between, and in the empty space a series of compact symbols including a Cross, Swastika, Jewish star, Communist sickle, upside down Islamic moon and star, and a kite or diamond.

The sticker is placed in several high profile locations with severe capitalistic symbolism and photographed. (See

The faceless man with a suit and hat is taken from H.G. Wells' novel, The Invisible Man. Hence 'The Invisible' in the sticker text. 'Hope' in the sticker text is taken from the popular street image from the last election depicting Obama and the word 'Hope.' Accidentally implicit in the reference to H.G. Wells' The Invisible Man, is a reference to Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man.

Ellison's novel is a statement on his disillusion with the Communist party for betraying African Americans and Marxist class politics. The identity of the narrator is an African American man who considers himself invisible due to race and class politics. However, he also considers in his invisibility there is truth and light. In H.G. Wells' novel, the main character uses his invisibility to invoke a 'Reign of Terror.' This juxtaposition between light and dark is indicative of the parody inherent in the symbolisms of the sticker.

Moving forward, the concept of invisibility, especially in terms of race, is juxtaposed with the reference to Obama, to date the epitome of racial political visibility, particularly for African Americans as relevant to Ellison's Invisible Man.

Also incorporated in this reference to Obama and H.G. Wells' instance of 'Reign of Terror.' is the conservative fears of terrorism extending from the media's depiction of Obama as Muslim, and thereby also representing the confounding of racial prejudices in conservative thought. This is further enhanced by the upside down Islamic moon and star, both the confounding and the parody of terrorist fears.

Fitting as well, then, is that the moon of the Islamic symbol is created by what also serves as the Communist sickle, thereby also parodying the conservative fears of socialism in Obama's political approach.

Going deeper on the religious front, the star of the Islamic symbol is confounded as the Jewish star. Further, extending from the cross at the near center of the piece, are lines creating a Swastika. This clear juxtaposition reaches back to the, so to speak, 'Reign of Terror' of Nazi Germany in World War II, also the time setting of Ellison's Invisible Man. These references further exacerbate the American dilettante-esque confounding of religious/racial identities in conservative prejudice, and also intensify the stark juxtapositions present in the work.

Then, embedded in all this symbolism is a symbol that could represent a kite, or a diamond. Insofar as it would be interpreted as a kite, it stems from a line of poetry, 'The cross is a kite in Bohemian skies' and is a reference to the post-contemporary artistic culture which seeks a united existence in artistic expression and is perhaps the epitome, or essence, of 'The Invisible Hope' of contemporary enlightened culture, while the work also allows for the parody of Communist tendencies in this notion of united existence.

Tainting this pure Bohemian interpretation further than a Communist parody, however, is the interpretation of the symbol as a diamond, a representation of wealth, materialism, and ultimately, capitalism. This reference is further solidified in the capitalist settings in which the sticker is placed, like Wall St. This juxtaposition itself demonstrates the difficult reality of addressing the dream of united existence, very present in the capitalism of the arts and the climate of post-contemporary culture, down to the sinews of everyday life.

Jason Greendyk,

A Letter to the President

November 15, 2010

Mr. Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. Obama,

According to a Swiss man in Prague, I, as an American, will never understand what it is to be European.  What is the secret?

I imagine the following scenario.  Perhaps Europe sees itself as the father of America, and looks upon his arrogant son with what would be the laughter of a healthy pride, except that his son has forgotten him and extends his arrogance to him and can no longer be contained condescendingly in concepts of mere youthful rebellion, as he has in fact implemented a global revolution.  And yet the father knows his youthful son is still a child, and sees his own youthful follies in him.  The father fears that the revolution stands on infirm, idealistic grounding, and that it is at this juncture beyond his son’s control, and then that it is even beyond the father’s own control on the off chance that his son were to come home for help.  There would be nothing he could do.  America is a big dog under a chair, hiding.  The son drove deep into the eye of the storm and dragged the whole world with him, but he could not adhere to his idealistic assertions and therefore was by necessity of survival compelled into betrayal and now his own children must bear this legacy, and must take the responsibility of maintaining a firm position in the eye of an erratically shifting economic and political storm, and, as alluded to, the whole world hangs in the balance. 
So I presume that, as well, the European can never understand what it is to be American.  The sins of the father visit the son.  Regardless, this is a musing, poetic and perhaps hyperbolic and melodramatic commentary when this is, in fact, no time for poetry.  Yet bear with me.
America is a child in western history, a young adult, who has ventured into foreign lands and has become homesick and disillusioned in the experience of utter nihilism.  America needs to come home to regroup, yet it appears that its home has been lost on the sprawling winds of deeply clutched desires.  Then again, perhaps this feeling of loss is simply a stubborn clutching of pride.  Nevertheless, a great sickness of cynicism overtakes the people, a sickness only capable of being alleviated by demonstrating to the people that their struggling yet still existent faith in America has been worthwhile.  Sometimes people having their faith rewarded is more valuable than the objective truth, which, from a philosophical point of view, we would be wary to place undue weight upon regardless. 

From my vantage point in the valley, I see the people hopelessly discussing a politics of which they are painfully, acutely aware they truly have little to no say in, or, for that matter, understanding of.  The perceived knowledge of this ‘objective’ ‘truth’ is morally debilitating, and suddenly, in a regarded estrangement, the people demand honesty from politicians.  It quite appears to be a last gasp. 

Bob Dylan once said, “Destiny is a feeling you have that you know something about yourself nobody else does.  The picture you have in your own mind of what you’re about will come true.  It’s a kind of thing you kind of have to keep to your own self, because it’s a fragile feeling, and you put it out there, then someone will kill it.  It’s best to keep that all inside.” That is, Mr. Obama, he who has charted his own blessed path, in the Queen’s English, hypocrisy is freedom of choice, the heart of American ideology – white lies. 

I would be arrogant to presume any political solutions to America’s predicament from my position.  I watch the sun set behind the peaks.  From your vantage point, however, where the sun only finally sets beneath the most distant visible horizons, perhaps these words can find their way home. 


                                                                                    Jason Greendyk

                                                                                    Jason Greendyk

Jason Greendyk, 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Amongst the Sins of Freedom, Parody

The Invisible Hope

Wall Street, The Temple

The Glass Apple

Red Clouds, Liberty (Freedom) Towers

Fight Terrorism

A Paper Dances on the Wind

Tango on the Pavement

Artistic Freedom

Jason Greendyk,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All Hallows' Eve Operetta

Shattering confessionals
Seven days the rickets came
One by one in the dusk howls
Fortunes whispering the ends of worlds
Breathing out the spirit of an age
In the dissolution of the prophecy
Seven schizophrenic traces
Divulging the sins of the Father
In the isolation of His case
Waves of sadness sewing shut His eyes
As He listened to the vagrant trails of the fallen
Their downcast glances a triangular encasement
Seething at the teeth
To drive spears through black hearts
Suspended by the Technicolor threads of fluorescent gods
Generated in the arbitrary currents
Of psychopathic tendencies
Oriented towards the bottom line
Hung on the greed a bottomless abyss of black souls
Enclosed in the self fitted straight jacket of public disclosure
Drafted in certificates of death awaiting thy name
And on the seventh day
At the eleventh hour
The white robe that hath heard the Word
Of the devils cast below the bevel of debt
And fishing for a line
He confessed that He had never lent a hand
He reveled in their screams as they plummeted
And crossed His heart the imposter
Hoped to die to clear His palette for God
Knowing the world would recede behind Him
Once the colors were slit and left to run together
In the flash before thine eyes
The Technicolor congealed in turquoise skies and desire
And at the thought of death
’Las the generator had kicked in
The changing hues of silence at the confessional
Shattering the epiphany and lifting the circumstances of its longing
Odalisque à la mode
Is it the paper or the Word
That crumples like a piece of nothing
Shattering the silence of the prayer?
And in the momentary still
Each object of perception represents its existence
To a mind that had let go
In order to clear itself
And resolve the long night in the brief mourning
Just a thought’s length to reflect upon itself
Was a measure to mask thy humming
Thy indifference at the pulpit
All the colors coming back to life
All the odors
The fruits of a soul’s labor
Not quite unlike nothing smirks the Word

A toast to the grave intellect
Having consummated itself in boredom
Having consumed itself in sloth
Gluttoned on the vagrant sins of the fallen
To wanderlust betrothed
A madness ’tis to watch thy mind
Without stabbing the envy of the spheres
Up against the walls
What brand of psychosis draws your poster little one?
Glass encasements of organs
Blown in on the winds of hatred
The violent swells of existential jealousy
Pouring out thy confessions for new life
’Las the moment was strong
When thy ground contorted thy face
To dispel of reason
And as such thy memories’ volatility
Susceptible to corruption
Thy black heart what worth is thy confession
If it is a vagrant tale spun out the threads of thy insanity
Šialenstvo the dream sequence
Godless dogs waking from their deaths as slaves
The pinch of God a caving of their backs
A downward glance
As they marched on the admittance
Requested by thyself
If only to clear thy head
Force thy humility back to thy pace
Which thy despair is only a masquerade of
A hallucination

Fools en masse of wise men
A social leering to be played
On bellowed notes of ego
To posture in the vision truth
Reaped from naked imbalance
The chemical engineer
Fabricating compounds
In divorce his poor to sanity
Fragmented deposition
Having crumpled all the constructs of Word
And so soon that feigned a symmetry
To fill the blackened space
To measure the depth of the dilettante spirit
Aftermath defragmentation
And too soft to mark the other eyes
Allow so stark a meet ’midst tense and time
An anger to heart’s distaste
Scowls lips to liquor and roulette
And not a chase
What child wants to give thyself
To a deeper world’s embrace?

Listen to them
The children of the night
What music doth they make
À la fantasie profonde

The romance language it danced in ceremony at the garden
Betraying the loss of innocence
He leveled with His company
All conclusions that venture beyond solipsism are corrosive
The manifestation of thy own terrible power
He'd been confessing to Himself all along
Embodying each sin of the seven
Along the seven days of Creation
In the void of dear time
A hallowed eve
The spirit dancing its black hearted madness
In an uprising of the fallen
’Gainst the Technicolor threads
Generating eternal gratitude
The truth was never sought but revolution
And after many of the sun
It is the Word presupposed its antithesis
In the measures of the spheres
The muse would strip before thine eyes
To delight thy senses
In the perpetuation of a madness
Hath writ its own demise
Stabbing in the dark it struck itself
What little death
Breathing out the spirit of an age
To rustle the ferns of a Technicolor whim
The thread was severed at the confession
From His mind new life became

And as the timed lines of straight reason broke sequence
He was free to dance on an open plain
A stray bullet to the black heart forced its breath
Out a hemlock comatose
Come out of the void my inner child
Life is but a dream sequence we are generating
In the absence of Technicolor power

The storm had distracted time
In concordance with the passing of the fallen shadows
To the lightless reaches of Him
An absinthe resolution 
The gardens of remembrance submerged

And the violin perched like a hawk
On the Technicolor branches of a mosaic tree 
The waves bound in the darkness

Jason Greendyk, 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Seven Sins of Freedom (Wild Horses)

I watched a thousand flock of thoughts
Scatter like roadside leaves in a fall gust
On a morning ride caught the current
Like the pigeons of European nostalgia
Shifting along the New York avenue
In some vertical representation
Of the mad path of errant passion
Empty lust in the fashion of nothing
Soaking in the early morning rain with grace
And waiting on sunbreak to show their light
Those thoughts that could not bear
The critique of a reality we did not quite believe in
Yet seemed to be the consensual acceptance of the haut bohème
The capitalist
In post-contemporary chic
The prevailing taste of the moment
On the cusp of the prophecy
Anticipating trends
The poetic repetitions of communal mood swings
A harbor for individual expression
A chance to disappear
Into the allowance of apathy
Held in disregard for the sake of an ontological resonance
The trends of a language
A mathematic
Déjà vu au courant
The locus of the current style
A wind that caught thy sails
And measured the meter of thy expression
Tailing poetic
Each pigeon of thought
Safe from the hawks of capitalism
So long they flew in unison
So long the algorithm of trend was their logic, their hold.

Seven empty sins filled the city of dreams
With white lies of express distaste
The rabbits slipping into their holes
And sealing their fates
Was an eerie quiet in the ash of passion
Set free
To roam in arbitrary motion
The cold trails of reason
Whose only guide was a severe taste
An unforgiving pretension
Dismembering itself to allow for growth
For the reconceptualization of an arrogance
Imprisoned by the categories of free thought
Yes as it was freedom
Was the new tyranny of you
Postured for fear of that emptiness
That with a cold smile
Conducted the soul theft
Of the only speciality
Accused of a soulless existence
It was a parody of its own hollow fate
Dancing with the dreadful mime of positivity
The measured sins of a freedom late
In the misappropriation of the muse
And now thy reflection in the glass apple
Was disgusted at the sly smiles of spekulants
Such that a rotten apple was such taste
And the opacity of the black glass was impenetrable
Betraying my youth in my hunger for dreams
And maybe you would usher me through the fall
For I saw the light
It was just a steady flame behind a transparent wall
The shadows merely the auras
Of vagrant passions I’d been dreaming on
For the rabbits had scattered
At the sight of the Three Kings
And I was amongst them
The heart in the spades and the diamonds
The lover in the dark glass
Cast under the bridge
With the grace of wasted luck
A lady stumbling home to her fortune
Her diamonds in the jade stone of her class
Chasing the sunrise hallucinations of a productive mind
Fireflies on the water
We reach for in our desire to be God
Floating on the sea
Even catch but must let go
My friend I held on tight
As the beauty had been shrouded in the veil of ego
On the tail of fantasies
In the Technicolor soul of the world
The fluorescent traces of chemical essences
Fabricated gods or idolizations of emptiness
And their arbitrary categories of good and evil
’Las see all was black and white
And I’d keep burning the same candle
That had birthed my taxidermical imprisonment
In a corporate embodiment of psychological hierarchy
Embedded in egotistical allowance
If it weren’t for you
See for me all was black and white
My words that cleaved for white lies
Like rabbits that cleaved for white fur
Even all was blushed in black
The dark recesses of solitude aged like wine
In the basement of dreams
In the cellar of enlightenment
The hollow of the light outside the cave
The blackest wash of all that could be white
Yes all was soot in black
Except for you
A real color either in the light
Of suns or errant flames
A real touch amidst the shadows
Even I was abrasive, dramatic
I ask you fill the gray
With all the light of the rainbow
That the muses had been searching for
In their neverending minds
In the misappropriation of their currency
And done sweet intellect

The poet had died in the gutter
Created in the image of nothing

Blossom Earth
This ground I’ve filtered for endless lives
Endless nights
The cool dew of morning
An unforgettable taste perennial
Tomorrow is always around the corner
Even in the winter

The ineffable victories of the intellect had won me over
The only question left
Was the abyss of the feminine deity in my soul truly stilled?
Lahoda jahoda having swallowed her sweet self whole
And the only answer was that only time could tell
Always waiting to see what unfolds
The white rabbit had lured me into her black cave
And feigned to steal my soul
Kneading the silences to carve the vision
The stone pillars of European nostalgia
Ran with the waters of thy silent sentiments
Shining through the fog on a recession to infinity
The elegant horses of fashion
Braying in the evening comatose etiquette
Coming on the wild throes of night
The masqueraded outlet of the repression

’Las the shadows were failing me
They were hiding in themselves
And burning the loose threads of their torn jackets
The heat of their passion too strong in those shadows
To pay mind to the cold
To expand the vision

Walk into the light dear self
Abandon the shadows that would leave you sulking alone
As such only products of thy imagination
Walk through the remnants of night
In the coming of dawn
And let them fall into their blackness
Cling to the sun
Cling to the golden hair
The rays of light that clean would dismember
The sewn limbs of thy nightly struggle
That would leave them behind in the thirst for new life
The horses racing through thy mind in anticipation

Jason Greendyk, 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hemlock Comatose (Morte)

Rise the night’s droplets
Streaming panes of westward flight
The dawn a red flare in the umbrage
With you I slept
Careless for tomorrow
With you my light did pierce
The dark hold of slumber
And usher the overlook the hidden paths
The rabbits that cleaved for white fur
’Las all was blushed in black
Except for you
The golden edge of the purest light
Captivated my errant wanderings
And held dear their course
To blissful end
A messenger from darker paintings past
Meandering the streaks of light washed space
The kingdom of clouds will reign
And coarse decree would sever beauty
Her gestalt oppressor
Your majesty a matriarch
Rest the deconstructive tendency
Where naught is left to spin
And hold the cobalt sky
Thy epitome
Again the fog descended
And the history was a strong rye
Absinthe tint
And it disappeared on ghosted mezzanine
From which the piano once had played itself
Had once composed of dreams
Laid upon the dusty shelves of afterthought
Now just washed
Openly discreet the light was sharp
It punctured the shadows
Their orbs of dark energy
To cake the running waters
In bashful hints of smoke
She lit a cigarette to spark disgust
Though the rolled papier
It tingled like a flake of bliss
Flittering in the ballet of devilish class
And haughty intoxication
Steeps the whiskey breath in arrogance
Rivers that carve out the deep valleys of solitude
An eastern unity approached in layered tiers
On the western descent
To the harsh and swirling abolition of reason
To its blithe reconstitution
Follows the fearful high
Skim above the eddies where the river is a trap
As the shadows move the light of day
To cling to that which bears
And only you were in my mind
To keep the air anew
As the balletic aura discounted history
For the golden city was pure
The river striated by the greater swathe of time
The derivative of motion
Fall the day’s parchments
To a feast owls screeching of the night
And there was you to keep the light disclosed
All the shifting and the rain
Held clear
Held trusting
The old haunts of the West
An ontological stalking ground
Feasting on the sinews of former tapestries
Looming in the walls the alley the hemlock imbibed as sacrament
And where the darker painting had been hung
Take your time a suspended death
Now washed out and over in vibrant color
In new life the morning star’s trinity
A light that fell for the evening chime
The twinkle of the hooded owl’s eye
She took long drags in the intersection of worlds
Deep rifts of time and place
Closed with the still of impotency
The devils passed into the esteem
Of a new Bohemian night
The maroon netherworld that touched the cobalt sky
In clean approach to appellant sin
The spheres are silent in the end
Movement to movement a lagging breeze
Drawn out the intellect its vagrant gaps
All fallen on the deaf ears of a glass figurine
Demystifying of the shrieking muse
Writing my body into the night
Became a foreigner to me
And there was you a new light to burn
’Las the light was much more pleasant
In its soft warmth than its aging fire
And this soft light would I to cling to
To hold my humble ruse
Beg hold the light
Even it’s unbearable
The vessel howled as it plunged
The bottomless tunnel
Even desperate it’s infinity
Sought laden rest in the black recesses
The clean light slanting and fading
The posthumous evening fog
Evanescing out thy time distraught
And parched transitionless sleep
Gentle time was naught thy clockwork heart
Racing for the close the dawn of black
Remembering the open shine
Willows of curtains bellowing the shafts of remnant
Hold your essence into onset void
And nightless sky a darker cobalt
Preserving what aura beauty singed the day
Would hold dear unto the hastening red dawn
A rapture was your thought
I kissed the born of shadows’ density
Aloft the falling skies
Colors’ grade the streets of days’ last ending
One long night bereft
Except that you would I be holding
Rejuvenating the spirit of its sugars
The blood of oranges a glucose meme
On roads that wound the tree of life
Out from concrete reality
The harsh wall of abstracting season
Dear logic the attorney of reason
Incorporating an intangible existence
In the communal opposition of the spirit
Resisting the gravity of cold truths
That left no space for lullabies of enlightenment
Sleeping on an age
Which in its farthest reaches
Destructured humanity its natural essence
And left us to roam the locus of desire
Quite absent of its impetus
Quite bereft of astral derivative
’Tis always quiet coming down
And still in the wandering dissension
There was you to cling to
And that it was my folding
To turn my eyes to sea
And seek the other shore
In this very life we’re holding
In this abyss we’re seen
Beauty the betrayal of appearance
Taking precedence of becoming
A cobalt dream
Gestalt the murmuring
Hollow the shells of evil
It was a relished scene
And you were humming
And the empty streets still dead of dreaming
Clung to the sin like fat tissue
Can you hold the light forbear disclosing?
Reveal the darker shade
In the cloak of hollow shame
The guilt of ages not one’s own
Yet forced to hear the drumming
Dancing on the waters of refracted time
A great gap sprung open
For the truth was far more dense
Than time had ever shown her humming
Sleep little child
Life is but a dream we’re running
And the walls were closing in
Except that you were on the podium
Except that you were speaking of the age
Fearless of becoming
The new film of skin on the grit scars
Of western history
The heart would keep on drumming
A perfect slip into the long of night
What shadow were you courting?
And what ether would sooth my aching hips
Still in the auras of potent blunts?
The music grazed off her lips
A prolific silhouette against the blinding white
The reflections of a cobalt star
Wrapped in the lingering haze of departure
The West was fading on the run
A wild dream it was
And only to you was I now coming
My carrier across the delving rift
Sheer time save face
The fjord was a rupture on the coast
The other shore was lunging out to sea
To capture me
Bring me you still sunning
Beneath cobalt skies and desire
And I thank you for the humming
It was a steady light this fire
Across the night I’m burning
The dark orbs a light simmer of perfection
Stained emerald suns
That had set through the fog
Condensed upon the close of history
And you were a clean shine
My instinct was a tracing to
The papier crumpled and ashed like a flake of nothing
The shards transparent like a sheet of ice
In a flight of dreams that I was skating on
Gazing on your sky
And sunning
Caught the rise of the East
Outside my curtains’ fantasies
There expected a splendid evening harbour

Jason Greendyk,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chameleon's Enlightenment

Summon the devil’s advocate
Trilling the pronunciation of arrogance
Across the treble throbbing a lust
Resounding in thy temple
A pounding thrust
Sleepless dawn
A bellowing
Dance with the bells
At the morning star arising
O’er the doll house of God
An ecstasy in the shattered church of industry
A Roman Catholic materialism
The haunts of the angels incarnate
In the glass and concrete rises
Disrobed in a legalese
Stirring thy emotions
To perch on the vault of perfection
Like a gymnast on the bar
The grip of the divinity was throbbing in thy temples
Enveloping what silence had achieved
The quiet change of hues
A chameleon’s enlightenment
Perched yes on an iron stake
A solid hold for the peaceful samurai
Staving off the watchful eyes of the jungle
In the moral glass of pretension
The gestured airs of intellectual class
Fallow in the contrivance of thy etiquette
The poise of a swan’s necking
At the craving for the sinews of the kill
Sunken teeth the limp tendons
The blood that gives you all you wear
In such devilish apprehension
Groomed like poodles let to the forest of mind
The wild of contemporary cutlery
Such organization of human strain
In corporate reflection
The antagonist to freedom

Yes corporate culture is the antagonist
By which we are obliged to create discreetly

Parva stella,
Your absence fed my fortitude
Raised the walls of my joyous shallow
Now in the summer you might find me smiling
’Las the cold would I to stay in
Huddled and alone
That no one could wonder
Why I wouldn’t stop to say hello
And that my skin would not flake and dry
From all the aimless wind
Shaking the dead bolted doors
Off their shabby hinges
Letting in the sun

Remember it is silence changes hues
For the chameleons and their blessed
Fulfillment of the manic retention
Would hold us to our cross
And wary introspection
Would keep us to the jungle thick
Forging step by delicate step
And aware of the jaded eyes in the shadows
Going nowhere yet peeling off the skin
Of thy fresh pressed historicity
Leaving nothing to sustain
The moisture of thy sexuality
Which sharpens thy pose
Straight back
And the curving of the spine
To the clitoral trills of the violin
Like the craning of the swan’s neck
Having feasted on the fox
An elegance wrought with cunning
Dancing on the stand of night
Yes to moisten the thoughts of mourning
Bring tears to the lost wilderness
Displayed at its death an object of intrigue
Of lusting
Splayed like some aging aesthetic
Still wandering alone
In the forests of its home
Doomed to be forgotten
Even by the Son
In all His divine preeminence
Sleep ragged lust and wild
You’ll need your reserves
For your crucifixion in the gallery
A painting décor on the walls
Of some historic preservation
To grant the chameleon its emptiness
Disrobe thy absent spirit
Of its hooded etiquette
And breathe in heavy anticipation
Stroking and stroking the abyss
Waiting on its ecstasy
The sun fell true
Upon the colours myriad

Muchas gracias por la inspiración, Cara DeAngelis, her exhibition, Wildlife in the Post-Natural Age, at the Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, September 7th - October 14th, 2012,

Jason Greendyk,